Soulful songstress Ffion Rebecca has released her new single 'Love Again', which is a stripped back R&B, modern jazz ballad that features her pure, soaring vocals laid over beautiful guitar backing provided by world renowned blues guitarist Aynsley Lister.
A nostalgic tale of love lost, 'Love Again' is a perfect accompaniment to a contemplative summer evening. Ffion Rebecca is considered a rising star on the East Midlands circuit, with her live shows drawing admirers from all quarters. Many comment on her profound stage presence, charismatic appeal and nigh-on perfect vocal technique. 'Love Again' marks the first of numerous releases during 2020. "Have you ever been ready to give your heart, mind, body and soul to someone...? 'Love Again' is a story about having to let go of that someone, who still has your heart and will forever hold it. Even though they do not feel the same... Leaving you to believe you may never 'Love Again'..." - FR x
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December 2024
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