After the roaring success of her debut single ‘Energy’, fireball Lucy Warr is back, and brighter than ever for round two. A kaleidoscope of colour, Warr always promises to deliver an infectious pop sound, with ‘in-yourface’ vocals, and melodic acrobatics that you simply can’t ignore – And to no surprise, her second single is no different.
‘Rip It Off’ showcases the writer’s natural born flow in her London tainted Somerset accent, that retains a kind of spoken word familiarity. Much like the greats, you can always tell if Lucy Warr is playing on your radio, and with over 29,000 streams she shows no signs of slowing down. An air of London Grammar meets Jessie Ware, the track’s structure, dynamics, and percussion – courtesy of producer Tokøta – forever suspends you and keep you guessing, that you immediately want to go around again. A rollercoaster journey of Warr’s own experience with the world’s current climate and mental health, she states: ‘’I have become more aware of my mental health over the past few years and that I seem to tip from one extreme of the emotional scale to the next, sometimes hour to hour. I can feel powerful, strong and fierce, ready to take on the world, to then feeling completely overwhelmed by the complexity of life and the world we live in, unable to feel the need or desire to even get out of bed. Lockdown and the pandemic has hit so many of us in different ways, and for me it has sometimes escalated this feeling of inadequacy, and imposter syndrome has been cropping up at every turn. I want to normalise what goes on inside our brains, to expose the stigma around mental health and what it means to be human. ‘Rip It Off’ is about releasing that mask, to stop pretending, and being okay with sometimes, not being okay!’’ A fresh frontline vocal that leads an army of buzzing electronic echoes, and a middle eight that screams to be performed live (whenever safe to do so), this artist is ready to independently take on the music industry, guns blazing. If you don’t know, get to know, because this is only the beginning, and THIS MEANS WARR.
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December 2024
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